Your Newsletter

At Carnegie Veterinary Clinic we produce a Quarterly Newsletter with issues becoming available in Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer.

Your Newsletter will be available online in PDF format here – where you can open it to read on-screen or download for printing out. You will need Adobe Reader to read the Newsletter. Most computers have it already installed but if you don’t you can download a free copy here:  Adobe Reader 

Current CVC Newsletter

The Winter 2021 issue is now available below:
– double click to open it on-screen – OR
– right click and “Save as” to download it to your computer

Current Newsletter download

Carnegie Veterinary Clinic,
66 Rosstown Road,
Carnegie, VIC 3163.
Melways reference - 68 J4

Carnegie Veterinary Clinic,
66 Rosstown Road,
Carnegie, VIC 3163. Melways reference - 68 J4