The hydrobath utilises pressurised warm water to bath and shampoo your companion within an enclosed safe tub. Pressurised water allows for a thorough and gentle clean.
If you have never used the hydrobath before, and elect to Do It Yourself, one of our nurses will prepare everything for you, and explain how to use the hydrobath. It is important to rinse the hydrobath clean after usage.
Bookings are essential.
The following items will be ready prior to starting the hydrobath:
- Shampoo (we use Aloveen Oatmeal Shampoo for sensitive skin.)
- Towels
- Shampoo (we use Aloveen Oatmeal Shampoo for sensitive skin.)
- Towels
If you prefer, our nursing team can bath your companion for you. For more information please call your team on (03) 9563 5422.